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Burn as many as possible BORG#728


The burning feature and the deflationary nature of the BORG Token was one reason why I have invested.
Great tokenomics are very important for the long term success of a token.

Please burn as much as possible and implement 100% protect and burn again. No choosing. Just burn. It will benefit all that have invested in BORG. It is the fairest and best solution. All involved in the Swissborg Ecosystem can prosper this way.

8 months ago

Utilities and volume > Burn

Beyond simple combustion, efficiency…
The Borg must have something to offer users - there must be a clear, almost tangible utility. SwissBorg wants to democratize asset management, so let’s make sure it does. Thanks to its token, it must enable users to take advantage of the best investment opportunities, the best returns and opportunities to connect with the best in the ecosystem. This, I believe, is the only way to make the most of the Borg and move away from a purely speculative approach to the token.

8 months ago

Having a premium account is an additional level and should not form the basis of the token’s value. One idea would be to give utility (not just fees and yield) per holding tier (heroscore).

8 months ago

If BORG price is on the moon, I am happy

7 months ago

Swissborg should also burn 50% of the buy back program!! This will make a price impact!

7 months ago

I do not get what benefit the Vault System has for the Swissborg Ecosystem accept that a few get rewards. Burns are much more democratic, all benefit from burns

7 months ago

We tried it and it never created a (DURABLE) price increase effect…
So i support the idea to leave the community of guardian to vote for defining this level of burn…

7 months ago

Burn Baby Burn. Long Term the best for the token! Best for everyone in the ecosystem. simple math

15 days ago