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Time period set up in profit & Loss#939

Due to the fiscal declaration it could be interesting to be able to setup a realized profit and loss in a period.

Exemple : I want to identify how much I earned and cash out this year, I set up 2024 and during that period I can see the reality of my profitability.

If I am positive I can imagine I will have to pay flat tax of 30% on the profit value for I am cashing out.

It could be an easy way to cover the French flat tax topic and make easier our declaration with no risk to be corrected by fiscal.

a year ago

Oui, ce serait bien pratique. PFU de 30 % oui, c’est certain si encaissement et/ou conversion vers Mopnnaie FIAT (EUR ou autre) - Voir Cerfa 2086 et 3916
Autre solution (lourde … mais actuelle) >> exporter le fichier excell de toutes les OP sur la période considérée et faire une recherche des SELL avec le libellé Exchange to xx EUR et traiter la sélection …
Bon courage Gilles

a year ago